Web Development


Responsive web development has won the best method to display a consistent website with images, video and text that scale across desktop, tablet, and smartphone. Is your business website responsive?

Responsive web development contributes to the amount of time a visitor stays on your page, how many visitors choose to return after their first visit, eCommerce conversions, domain ranking and your amount of sales thus making an investment in a responsive website a worthy long term asset.


Praxis Technologies 4K Responsive Website Development service includes the features listed below. Custom Development Solutions are available.

Praxis Technologies will work first complete a branding analysis to add your overall strength through consistency to your overall digital footprint by driving home your brand core values. Included in our web development packages are a philosophical idea behind every aspect of your new website which are supported by up to date case studies done by the best in their field.

Custom website design is included in Praxis Technologies web development packages. Praxis Technologies staff will develop and design an updated custom WordPress responsive website that will better display your company, your style and your values to your visitor through decisions based on recommendations and studies on Modern UX | UI preferences.  Praxis Technologies design will guide your visitor to the most pertinent aspects of your company, your services, or your products by highlighting crucial information with contemporary graphics, photography, video, and design.

Search Engine Optimization is included in all web development packages. Your website SEO will invite your ideal customer base through a combination of organic and local SEO which means, your name, your location, your services, and our work to add proper page titles, descriptions, and keywords to gain the clicks and adding calls to actions to create the sale. This is how the process tree works to gain ROI.

SEO is developed into your website in all forms from page titles, headers, search description, keywords, and image titles. Praxis Technologies also refines your website SEO by targeting your competition assuring quality visitors and converting results from Google and Bing.

Praxis Technologies will install Google Analytics and Bing Analytics for you to monitor your website growth.

We help your business earn clicks and convert secure eCommerce transactions through hands on experience with over 15 payment processors. Praxis Technologies has 10 years experience in developing, designing and maintaining eCommerce shopping carts to sell your products or services. We can help you sell both physical goods or digital downloads. Your Company will sell your own products, through an SSL Secured eCommerce storefront by accepting Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express with funds directly deposit to your own business banking account. Your new eCommere store will will handle all of the shipping charges, taxes, with customer and admin email notifications sent out automatically.

If you are a Non Profit Organization, Praxis Technologies has the ability to develop your website to receive donations legally through various means. Paypal, Stripe, Organizational Bank Account deposits, and 3rd party services are all available options to transact donations. Praxis Technologies will consult with you to implement the right fit.


Google has recently released an updated algorithm that includes a bonus for your website being SSL secured. There is also a corresponding penalty of a lower ranking for those websites that do not SSL secure their website in Google rankings.

Of course, the main benefit of SSL security is the inherent trust of your website when users visit and see the lock and https:// before your domain name. SSL helps assure your visitors your company takes their privacy seriously and that any information shared with you will not be vulnerable.


Your website will be managed and updated through the browser and is built with the WordPress CMS, or Content Management System. Wherever you have internet you will be able to have control of your site backend and its the ability to change its contents. Your WordPress website management will be restricted to those your trust while also allowing or open to the public to register as subscribers with limited abilities. Your website and its security can be enhanced with an SSL certificate as well as tying the website to a dedicated IP address, 2 factor Authentication activation and CDN service to up pagespeed and ensure security with a live firewall. As a bonus, SSL secured websites receive added benefits in Google rankings for their effort.


A company website must hit certain ques that compel a visitor to schedule a consultation or purchase the products shown. This type of layout is a necessary tool and the contact form design plays an integral part. When your website has a firm grasp of your client and their goals it builds a rapport that could otherwise have been lost.


All businesses should have a professional email address for the company and staff. A gmail account, while easy, does not provide your company the same respect as that of a branded domain email account provides. If it is ease you need, your email account can be added to Email Platforms like Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail and all smartphone email programs. If you host your website with Praxis Technologies, we can add the value of being able to check your email via a web browser, like that of gmail.


Responsive image galleries are a standard feature of all Praxis Technologies web developments. All singular images will also automatically resize on the scaling of a web browser. Responsive image galleries are great for displaying a multitude of products for eCommerce as well as for posting photos to accompany longer original content posts on your news section.


Praxis Technologies web developers will setup video streaming for your new website, which is shown to keep 50% of visitors on your website longer.  Self hosted video means you have more options to keep your intellectual property secure while displaying a stream of your video either publicly or privately. A private video would allow viewing behind a login page, or payment portal, which is great for membership websites like an educational series. Your video can also be made public for visitors to stream for free as a visitor normally would. However, should you wish your video not be disseminated on other platforms, this is a great way to secure your rights.


Schema development is a key piece of SEO to help your company website gain higher rankings in Google and Bing search results. Schema development classifies your business into specific categories to ease in its being found and featured in search results. Schema also classifies pieces of your website, like your blo,  and its articles, your location either as a national or local company, and for its ability to gain valuable clicks and impressions that otherwise would have been lost in the sea of search results.


Your company about page, team members, services and contact page all help you be found and featured in search engines. Though, to maintain your ranking and to improve, original content news will be your best tool. Included in your company website will be the ability to post articles, as often as you like, to better target your preferred audience. The company news should by share quality, crafted original content on your chosen topics. These news articles reinforce your brand authority as well as offer the added value of higher traffic, which helps your Google rankings. Praxis Technologies also helps in the creation of original content for Content Marketing.


Google and Bing both offer a similar service to help your Business be found and featured in search results. Registering your business as official in Google and Bing enables your company to be featured in map searches for local businesses per a given niche. As well, this verification also add ranking signals for your website in organic searches as the more ways you define yourself to Google and Bing, the higher your website will rank.


To help build visitor interaction, your company website can have a members area which allows each person having their own log in account with profile picture, contact info and biography with the ability to comment on new blog posts. This members area can be setup as a paid members area to collect funds in exchange for downloadable or streaming of video or news. Funds will be deposited through a 3rd party financial provider direct to your business bank account. Or, should you wish to keep a private website, your members area can be re-purposed solely for the use of your employees as a way to coordinate projects and maintain focus on tasks and work as a CRM for your business.


Praxis Technologies will develop your website to have a Twitter card, which guarantees when visitors share your website on Twitter, it is presented in a way that is most complimentary. Praxis Technologies also  automates the process of posting your new blog post to Twitter, including the ability to share a picture, post description, custom link to the post as well as relevant hashtags; all of which are searchable by Twitter visitors to help build your brand.


Facebook keeps growing and in turn so must we. Praxis Technologies suggests implementing a strategy to utilize their core services. Praxis Technologies  will automate the posting of your new content to Facebook including a picture, title, description and hashtags that will help the Facebook community learn more about your company. Praxis Technologies will include Facebook Opengraph development in your website, which means, that when your website is shared on Facebook, the link with the image and text appears in its best light to attract visitors.


We offer all of our clients the ability to host their website on our servers. From there we offer website maintenance plans in an environment we control on dedicated hardline servers based in data centers in the US. We assist in tasks like WordPress updates, blog posting, text and image changes, as well as maintain security protocols to best protect your website.


Praxis Technologies develops all of our new website to be compliant with the requirements of the American With Disabilities Act. If you are concerned about your current website please contact us for an evaluation to estimate the changes needed to have your website comply with ADA standards.


When Praxis Technologies  builds your website, you own your website, you retain full control over your domain and you retain the ability to host it with our dedicated servers or with any hosting company of your choice. We always use a full WordPress installation that is far beyond any managed interface like Wix or Weebly. With WordPress you have full control to access to your files via FTP, cPanel, MySQL and the WordPress admin area accessed through the browser.


An advantage of using Praxis Technologies to host your website is that our Arizona based data center offers 24 hour monitoring and alert system. Praxis Technologies servers have had 99% up-time over the last 10 years. As well, should you host your website on Praxis Technologies servers, included is a monthly automatic backup of your website to assure you always have a stable version when needed.


Should you need a custom piece developed to add to your website, Praxis Technologies has the developers and experience needed to meet your goals.


For 2021 and beyond, responsive website development is and will be a large ranking factor calculated into your website ranking for Google, Bing and other search engines. Proper responsive web development effects the amount of impressions, clicks and conversions your website will receive or if your website ranks on page 29.

4K Responsive Web Development services will ensure your website displays perfectly across all devices. Your new responsive website development will display an easy to use User Experience that shines on smartphones, tablets, and laptops with our industry leading added feature that makes it pop on modern 4K Ultra HD displays.

Praxis Technologies | Digital Marketing and Branding Agency

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    Praxis Technologies | Digital Marketing and Branding Agency

    Praxis Technologies Digital Marketing and Branding Agency has over 15 years of experience working with financial lenders, law offices, healthcare companies, mortgage brokerages, IT solutions providers, national eCommerce brands, retail and wholesale Vendors as well as non profit organizations.

    We know how to help grow your audience and how to increase your conversions.

    Praxis Technologies translates your ideas into action.